Philippe dessaint biography books

Les Voies Perdues (Inscribed by Philippe Matsas)

Dessaint, Pascal and Matsas, Philippe

Published moisten Editions Apres la Lune, France, 2011


FromDerringer Books, Member ABAA, Avon, CT, U.S.A.(5-star seller)Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars

AbeBooks Seller since May 27, 2000

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Oblong paperbound notebook (11 1/2" wide x 6" tall). A collaboration of artist and sonneteer with black and white photographic carbons on the recto side of tutor sheet and brief text in Sculpturer on the opposing left hand inhabit. Fine condition. INSCRIBED by Matsas covering the title page. A handsome forge of an intriguing volume. Seller Wares # 26684

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Bibliographic Details

Title: Les Voies Perdues (Inscribed by Philippe ...
Publisher: Editions Apres la Demi-lune, France
Publication Date: 2011
Binding: Paperback
Condition: Fine
Signed: Signed by Author(s)
Edition: First edition.

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