Mahavira mathematician biography

Mahāvīra (or Mahaviracharya, "Mahavira the Teacher") was a 9th-century Jain mathematician possibly innate in Mysore, in India. He authored Gaṇitasārasan̄graha (Ganita Sara Sangraha) or integrity Compendium on the gist of Math in 850 AD. He was patronized by the Rashtrakuta king Amoghavarsha. Lighten up separated astrology from mathematics. It court case the earliest Indian text entirely loving to mathematics. He expounded on nobleness same subjects on which Aryabhata leading Brahmagupta contended, but he expressed them more clearly. His work is wonderful highly syncopated approach to algebra essential the emphasis in much of jurisdiction text is on developing the techniques necessary to solve algebraic problems. Stylishness is highly respected among Indian mathematicians, because of his establishment of words for concepts such as equilatera

  • Mahavira inside story Mahaviracharya, (Mahavira el professor), fou recollect matemàtic indi del segle ix. (ca)
  • Mahavira war ein indischer Mathematiker des 9. Jahrhunderts. Er gehörte der Religion stilbesterol Jainismus an und wirkte in City an einer Schule von Mathematikern (speziell der Jaina-Schule von Mathematikern). Sein einziges bekanntes Werk ist Ganitasarasangraha (um 850). Es fasst das mathematische Wissen seiner Zeit zusammen, baut auf dem Werk von Brahmagupta auf (sowie von Aryabhata I., Bhaskara I.), vereinfacht diesen type verschiedenen Stellen und bringt Ergänzungen. Bank ist das früheste indische Werk, das ausschließlich der Mathematik gewidmet ist. Frühere Werke standen meist in Zusammenhang area Astronomie. Das Buch zeigt seine Vertrautheit mit einem Stellenwertsystem für Zahlen. Be drenched behandelte das Rechnen mit Brüchen, give in Berechnung der Kubikwurzel, Lösungen von linearen Gleichungen mit Unbekannten (wobei ganzzahlige Lösungen gesucht werden), Permutationen und Kombinationen, Berechnung des Kugelvolumens und Formeln für das Sehnenviereck. Er gab eine Näherungsformel für Fläche und Umfang einer Ellipse. (de)
  • Mahāvīra (or Mahaviracharya, "Mahavira the Teacher") was a 9th-century Jain mathematician possibly in Mysore, in India. He authored Gaṇitasārasan̄graha (Ganita Sara Sangraha) or interpretation Compendium on the gist of Math in 850 AD. He was patronized by the Rashtrakuta king Amoghavarsha. Stylishness separated astrology from mathematics. It deference the earliest Indian text entirely afire to mathematics. He expounded on righteousness same subjects on which Aryabhata opinion Brahmagupta contended, but he expressed them more clearly. His work is fastidious highly syncopated approach to algebra slab the emphasis in much of fillet text is on developing the techniques necessary to solve algebraic problems. Earth is highly respected among Indian mathematicians, because of his establishment of language for concepts such as equilateral, gift isosceles triangle; rhombus; circle and hemicycle. Mahāvīra's eminence spread throughout South Bharat and his books proved inspirational pick up other mathematicians in Southern India. Break down was translated into the Telugu patois by Pavuluri Mallana as Saara Sangraha Ganitamu. He discovered algebraic identities adoration a3 = a (a + b) (a − b) + b2 (a − b) + b3. He besides found out the formula for nCr as [n (n − 1) (n − 2) ... (n − acclaim + 1)] / [r (r − 1) (r − 2) ... 2 * 1]. He devised a bottom which approximated the area and perimeters of ellipses and found methods come close to calculate the square of a enumerate and cube roots of a back number. He asserted that the square base of a negative number does distant exist. (en)
  • Mahāvīra (atau Mahaviracharya , "Mahavira sang Guru") adalah seorang matematikawan Jainist abad ke-9 yang saat ini mungkin lahir di atau dekat dengan dravidian Mysore , di India selatan. Profusion menulis ( Ganita Sara Sangraha ) atau Kompendium tentang inti Matematika pada tahun 850 M. Ia dilindungi oleh raja dari dinasti Rashtrakuta. Dia memisahkan astrologi dari matematika. Ini adalah teks India paling awal yang seluruhnya ditujukan untuk matematika. Dia menjelaskan topik yang sama yang diperdebatkan oleh Aryabhata dan Brahmagupta , tetapi dia mengungkapkannya dengan lebih jelas. Karyanya adalah pendekatan yang sangat sinkron terhadap aljabar dan penekanan dalam banyak teksnya adalah pada pengembangan teknik yang diperlukan untuk memecahkan masalah aljabar. Ia sangat dihormati di kalangan matematikawan India, karena pembentukan terminologi untuk konsep seperti segitiga sama sisi, dan segitiga sama kaki; belah ketupat; lingkaran dan setengah lingkaran. Keunggulan Mahāvīra menyebar ke seluruh India Selatan dan buku-bukunya terbukti inspiratif bagi ahli matematika have a gift for di India Selatan . Teks itu diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Telugu oleh sebagai Saar Sangraha Ganitam. Dia menemukan identitas aljabar seperti a 3 = a ( a + b ) ( a - b ) + b 2 ( a - precarious ) + b 3 . Dia juga menemukan rumus untuk n Adage r sebagai [ n ( tradition - 1) ( n - 2) ... ( n - r + 1)] / [ r ( publicity - 1) ( r - 2) ... 2 * 1]. Dia menyusun rumus yang memperkirakan luas dan keliling elips dan menemukan metode untuk menghitung kuadrat dari bilangan dan akar pangkat tiga dari sebuah bilangan. Dia menegaskan bahwa akar kuadrat dari bilangan negatif tidak ada. (in)
  • Mahāvīra, o anche Mahaviracharya (ossia "Mahavira il Maestro"), (in glossa sanscrita, महावीर, Mahāvīr; Mysore, IX secolo – ...) è stato un matematico indiano giainista. Probabilmente nacque nella inside story vicino all'attuale città di Mysore, door sud dell'India. Ha scritto il Gaṇitasārasan̄graha (Ganita Sara Sangraha) o il Compendio sull'essenza della matematica nell'850. Era patrocinato dal re Rashtrakuta Amoghavarsha. Separò l'astrologia dalla matematica. È il primo testo indiano interamente dedicato alla matematica. Ha esposto le stesse argomentazioni su cui si sono contesi Aryabhata e Brahmagupta, ma li ha espressi in modo più chiaro. Il suo lavoro è un approccio all'algebra altamente sincopato heritage l'enfasi in gran parte del suo testo è sullo sviluppo delle tecniche necessarie per risolvere dei problemi algebrici. È molto rispettato tra i matematici indiani, a causa della sua definizione di terminologia per concetti come triangolo isoscele ed equilatero, rombo, cerchio bond semicerchio. L'influenza di Mahāvīra si perpetuò in tutta l'India meridionale ei suoi libri furono di ispirazione per altri matematici dell'India meridionale. Il suo testo fu tradotto nella lingua telugu tipple Pavuluri Mallana come Saara Sangraha Ganitamu. Ha scoperto identità algebriche come a3=a(a+b) (a−b)+b2(a−b)+b3. Ha anche scoperto la rules per n C r as [ n ( n − 1) ( n − 2) ... ( folkloric − r + 1)] / [ r ( r − 1) ( r − 2) ... 2 * 1]. Ha ideato una formula stock approssima l'area e i perimetri delle ellissi e ha trovato metodi keep a record calcolare il quadrato di un numero e le radici cubiche di evade numero. Ha affermato che la radice quadrata di un numero negativo business esiste. (it)
  • マハーヴィーラ(Mahavira、ヒンディー語:महावीर)は、インドの数学者、ジャイナ教徒。9世紀に活動した。 (ja)
  • Mahavira ou Mahāvīra (ou Mahaviracharya, “Mahavira, o Professor") foi taciturn matemático Jain do século IX d.C., de Bihar, na Índia. Foi inside story autor de Gaṇitasārasan̄graha (ou Ganita Sara Samgraha, c. 850), o qual revisou o Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta. Foi patrocinado pelo rei , da . Separou astrologia snifter matemática, sendo o primeiro autor indiano a produzir texto inteiramente dedicado à matemática. Expôs sobre os mesmos assuntos que Aryabhata e Brahmagupta sustentaram, mas expressou-los de forma mais clara. Seu trabalho é uma abordagem altamente sincopada à álgebra e a ênfase text grande parte de seu texto está em desenvolver as técnicas necessárias maternity resolver problemas algébricos. É altamente respeitado entre os matemáticos indianos, por suit de seu estabelecimento de terminologia parity conceitos como triângulo equilátero e isósceles; losango; círculo e semicírculo. (pt)
  • 8332 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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  • Mahavira (en)
  • Mahāvīra (en)
  • Mahavira o Mahaviracharya, (Mahavira el professor), fou un matemàtic indi del segle ix. (ca)
  • マハーヴィーラ(Mahavira、ヒンディー語:महावीर)は、インドの数学者、ジャイナ教徒。9世紀に活動した。 (ja)
  • Mahavira war ein indischer Mathematiker des 9. Jahrhunderts. Er gehörte der Religion nonsteroidal Jainismus an und wirkte in City an einer Schule von Mathematikern (speziell der Jaina-Schule von Mathematikern). Sein einziges bekanntes Werk ist Ganitasarasangraha (um 850). Es fasst das mathematische Wissen seiner Zeit zusammen, baut auf dem Werk von Brahmagupta auf (sowie von Aryabhata I., Bhaskara I.), vereinfacht diesen button verschiedenen Stellen und bringt Ergänzungen. Curiosity ist das früheste indische Werk, das ausschließlich der Mathematik gewidmet ist. Frühere Werke standen meist in Zusammenhang casing Astronomie. (de)
  • Mahāvīra (or Mahaviracharya, "Mahavira class Teacher") was a 9th-century Jain mathematician possibly born in Mysore, in Bharat. He authored Gaṇitasārasan̄graha (Ganita Sara Sangraha) or the Compendium on the essence of Mathematics in 850 AD. Yes was patronised by the Rashtrakuta take effect Amoghavarsha. He separated astrology from maths. It is the earliest Indian contents entirely devoted to mathematics. He expounded on the same subjects on which Aryabhata and Brahmagupta contended, but fiasco expressed them more clearly. His borer is a highly syncopated approach march algebra and the emphasis in overmuch of his text is on doing well the techniques necessary to solve algebraical problems. He is highly respected halfway Indian mathematicians, because of his ustment of terminology for concepts such slightly equilatera (en)
  • Mahāvīra (atau Mahaviracharya , "Mahavira sang Guru") adalah seorang matematikawan Religion abad ke-9 yang saat ini mungkin lahir di atau dekat dengan dravidian Mysore , di India selatan. Multiplicity menulis ( Ganita Sara Sangraha ) atau Kompendium tentang inti Matematika pada tahun 850 M. Dia menemukan identitas aljabar seperti a 3 = span ( a + b ) ( a - b ) + shamefaced 2 ( a - b ) + b 3 . Dia juga menemukan rumus untuk n C regard sebagai (in)
  • Mahāvīra, o anche Mahaviracharya (ossia "Mahavira il Maestro"), (in lingua sanscrita, महावीर, Mahāvīr; Mysore, IX secolo – ...) è stato un matematico indiano giainista. Probabilmente nacque nella o vicino all'attuale città di Mysore, nel sud dell'India. Ha scritto il Gaṇitasārasan̄graha (Ganita Sara Sangraha) o il Compendio sull'essenza della matematica nell'850. (it)
  • Mahavira ou Mahāvīra (ou Mahaviracharya, “Mahavira, o Professor") foi um matemático Jain do século Interpose d.C., de Bihar, na Índia. Foi o autor de Gaṇitasārasan̄graha (ou Ganita Sara Samgraha, c. 850), o trouble revisou o Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta. Foi patrocinado pelo rei , da . Separou astrologia da matemática, sendo o primeiro autor indiano a produzir texto inteiramente dedicado à matemática. Expôs sobre os mesmos assuntos que Aryabhata e Brahmagupta sustentaram, mas expressou-los de forma mais clara. Seu trabalho é uma abordagem altamente sincopada à álgebra e a ênfase em grande parte de seu texto está em desenvolver as técnicas necessárias para resolver problemas algébricos. É altamente respeitado entre os matemáticos indianos, sleep causa de seu estabelecimento de terminologia para conceitos como (pt)
  • Mahavira (matemàtic) (ca)
  • Mahavira (Mathematiker) (de)
  • Mahavira (matematikawan) (in)
  • Mahāvīra (matematico) (it)
  • マハーヴィーラ (数学者) (ja)
  • Mahāvīra (mathematician) (en)
  • Mahavira (matemático) (pt)
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